20 Minute Workout

OK... I'm starting to get a little concerned. Coop is getting bigger; he's turning into a little chub. Look at that belly. Sometimes his chins number in the double digits. His thighs are almost as wide as his head. He is completely out of shape. He mostly just lies around all day; if we go for walks or outings, Mel and I end up doing all the work. (Consequently, I am in the best shape I've been in years... but enough about me.) So I've been urging Mel to figure out a way for him to get some exercise and start firming up a bit. Fortunately, last week, Karen and Eric lent us their activity mat, the first step in Coop's new workout regimen. But I'm still not sure if that's enough... So if anyone can help, we're in the market for a personal trainer for babies.

Pfft. You call that a fat baby? I can still see a neck!
Anonymous, at 12:24 PM
I forgot about the no-neck criterion... I was going by the, "He has more rolls than a Jewish deli" criterion.
Anonymous, at 8:22 AM
I'm guessing you're at least half-kidding. If Coop is anything like my two guys, you will half-worry for awhile and then get nostalgiac for that baby fat when he hits the age of four and five.
Rich M.
Anonymous, at 10:09 AM
Rich - Actually, we know a couple of really chubby babies... and they sleep for 9 hours per night... so I'm re-thinking this whole personal trainer thing and instead, I'm in the market for the guy DeNiro worked with to prepare for Raging Bull.
Anonymous, at 9:53 PM
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