The Mellen Patch

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Happy Happy Joy Joy

Coop amazes us every single day with the emergence of new skills and behaviors; he's holding his head up a lot more, he's grabbing and holding toys. Last night, he had a little tantrum, his first. He was tired and it was dinner time for Mel and me... so I put him in the swing and he started screaming. From that point it was a battle of wills: Me vs. Coop and Mel. (Mel wasn't screaming, but she was taking Coop's side on this one.) He finally fell asleep (for 7 minutes) and we kind of got to eat. He recovered and had a great bath and rest of the night.

Today, with no signs of any emotional scars, Coop has acted as if it has literally been the happiest day of his life. He has been laughing and squealing with joy all day. It's as if he just discovered what an amazing mom he has because every time I've held him today, and he sees Mel, he just cracks up and coos with happiness. Whenever we've tried to capture his expressiveness in photos before, he always turns on his stone, game-face for the camera... but today, in between squeals, chuckles, and ear-to-ear smiles, we caught these photos.


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