The Results Are In

Len was the big winner of the night with 16 correct picks on his ballot (tied with Andrea). I think they are both happy, it is the first time either of them has beaten me (will my brain ever return to it's before pregnancy abilities?). It was a good night, people dressed up, they seemed to like the food I made (menu to follow), the dancers were cool, Alan Arkin won, Forest Whittaker made a good speech, the Will Ferrel/Jack Black song was entertaining and I thought Ellen was pretty funny. How was your Oscar night?
Oscar Night Menu
Cheese Plate with Olives and some kind of Salami
Celery Stuffed with Herbed Tofu
Spinach and Gouda Spheres
Sweet Potato Fries with Soy-Ginger Dipping Sauce
Cucumber Salad
Corn and Arugula Salad
Shitake and Potato Pizza
Summer Squash and Herbed Ricotta Pizza
Star Shaped Cookies (thanks for the great recipe D!)
Lemon Loaf
Banana Cupcakes with Chocolate Frosting
*****Please note - No Berries were served at this event*****
Biggest surprise of the night... had to be the Spinach Gouda Balls. I thought that one of the pizzas would have taken the big prize, but the Balls pulled a big upset. The other surpise of the night was the condiment in a supporting role going to the Soy-Ginger Dipping sauce. Who knew how versatile *AND* tasty soy-ginger could be. Oh... and best dressed... hands down, the celery!
Anonymous, at 10:13 PM
Are you sure you guys don't want to move back to T.O. and throw us an Oscar party next year?
Anonymous, at 12:09 PM
wow mel, you've gone pro !!
did you wear a wig...remembering one oscar party when you had a wig.
love to you all, wish i was there.
Anonymous, at 7:34 PM
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